Program Samples
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68000 Editor, Assembler and Simulator

Please make sure you have the latest version of the editor before you send out the bug report, and test it in the new version of the editor, if you still get the bug then fill out the form below.

Known Bugs In Version 5

  • The editor sometimes freezes in windows 98 and NT. e.g. you can't type any code into the editor. - This bug will be fix in the next version of the editor.
  • WINDOWS 2000 & WINDOWS ME Users You need to install the editor on your root directory of your drive, e.g. c:\68000 otherwise the program will not operate properly. You will also need to install this patch file.

Bug Report

If you have a problem or if you find a bug / error in the editor please feel free to e-mail us and report it. The e-mail address is [email protected]. Please be as specific as possible when describing the problem.

  • What operating system are you using?

  • What version of the editor are you using?

  • Please enter a brief one-line description of the problem:

    (example: "Error message when I assemble a file")

  • If the problem is reproducible, please list the steps required to cause it,
    leaving a blank line between steps:

    (example: "1. Create a new file. 2. Insert some text ...")

    If the problem is not reproducible (only happened once, or occasionally for no apparent reason), please describe the circumstances in which it occurred and the symptoms observed:

    (note: it is much harder for me to fix non-reproducible bugs)

  • If the problem causes any error messages to appear, please write down the exact text displayed and enter it here:

  • Please provide me with the following information in case I need to contact you:

    ****All information is handled in the strictest confidence****


We may need to contact you for more information, such as if we have trouble reproducing the problem you describe.